How to make money - The secrets to global wealth and black economic power
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Money is critically important in the liberation of black families and individuals all around the globe. Our lack of individual and collective economic power costs us in a multitude of ways and often leaves us angry, disillusioned, distressed and marginalized.
This program is designed to ENSURE that your family creates a set of intergenerational habits that will release you from this struggle. Through models developed exclusively by world leading black financial expert Dr Boyce Watkins, you and your family can learn specific and simple tools that will change your family's wealth trajectory for the next generation and beyond.
In this program, your learning will include, but not be limited to the following:
1) The 4 ugly reasons why people stay broke
2) The 3 pillars of wealth- investment vehicles that separate the rich from everybody else
3) The Black Core of 3: Principles that will help you build a powerful nation
4) The P.O.I.S.E. model for becoming a wealth building powerhouse
5) How to avoid being an Economic S.C.R.U.B.
6) The 3 Cs of building your own economy
7) The K.I.D. model for turning your child into a millionaire
After you complete all lectures in the program, you are then eligible to print out a Certificate of Achievement from The Black Business School. You will then have wealth building skills that you can use to transform your life, your family and your community for many generations to come.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction to the course (4:08)
StartThe 4 ugly reasons why people stay broke (11:09)
StartThe Three Pillars of wealth - Investment vehicles that separate the rich from regular people (7:17)
StartThe Black Core of 3: Principles that will help you build a powerful nation (9:53)
StartKeeping your POISE in a capitalist society will put you ahead of the curve (8:57)
StartHow to avoid being an Economic S.C.R.U.B (7:07)
StartThe 3 Cs of building your own economy (9:25)
StartThe K.I.D. model for turning your child into a millionaire (9:47)
StartThe 3 steps to turning an idea into profit (17:25)
StartHow to make money while you sleep (7:56)